Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Current Project update

Yeah, the novel is still known only as Current Project.  I'm not sure why a title still eludes me this late into the work.  It now stands at about fifty thousand words and is fully plotted and it seems like its title should have exposed itself by now. No big deal: it will probably crop up amid the next fifty thousand words.  Like with the magazine, progress has been slow during the last two weeks though not negligible.  I have a lot of new scenes that need to get grafted into the main bulk of the story and those will, in turn, show me where I need to do more work. I am still rather set on having the completed first draft sitting here in my Mac by Christmas, but I need to step my pace a bit.  Even when it's done, I am not sure what then to do with it.  I have considered giving it its first publication as a serial in M-Brane SF, but I really don't want to junk up the zine with too much of my own material. I'd prefer my hand to be seen only in its editing. Also, I still harbor a very intense fantasy of Current Project being published for "real" by a legit publisher.  We shall see.

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