Monday, January 26, 2009


OKC is getting some freezing rain--what we fondly refer to as an "ice storm." Actually, it's not anywhere near as bad as the biggest episode of it was last year, but it's still coming through and we're not safe yet.  I mention it here because I want anyone who follows this blog and M-Brane stuff to know that if I go "dark" for, say, two or three consecutive days, it's not because I have flaked out and abandoned the M-Brane mission but because ice has brought down the beloved, blessed coaxial cable that connects my house, my TV, and, above all, my computer to the internet, life blood of my whole, well, life. Should that happen, I will make effort to get to places that still have electricity and internet access to at least deal with the most pressing emails, etc.

Last year--actually December of 2007--we experienced in OKC a horrendous ice disaster which knocked out power and cable to many thousands of people (but not us, somehow!) and which also brought down the limbs of way too many of what few trees this bloody, benighted city had. The year before (December of 2006) when Jeff and I were still in St. Louis and still had our restaurant, an even worse ice disaster (followed immediately by a big snow fall) struck. In the one and only stroke of luck that we had during 2006, our restaurant was put out of business for only about 24 hours (as opposed to a week) and we did not lose electricity in our home at all while other people, by the hundreds of thousands, were losing it.

All right, I need to go to my command post.  More tomorrow....hopefully!

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