Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Blog post labels

I didn't really get in the habit of labeling my posts (or really see much use to it) for the first three months or so of running this blog. Now that there are getting to be a fair number of posts, I am starting to see some groupings that make sense and I have made a pass through the history and labeled some of those that lacked labels with an eye toward creating these logical groups.  Now that I am more conscious of it as a thing to do on a blog, I'll try to maintain it better for any readers who may want to search backward on a general topic.  I will also try not to use labels that will probably only ever apply to one post, which was a mistake that I made early on and still lingers in my labels list. For example, this post doesn't need a label at all, unless I want to create a new one called "Chris wasting time when he should be working on something important."

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